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Electromagnetic pulse – generator The electromagnetic pulse is a radiation surge that couples with electrical and electronic circuits and cause damage to the current and voltage of a device due to the resulting impact on both electric and   magnetic  fields . In the earliest days of nuclear testing, the effects of the EMP are studied. In the year 1945, during the US operation starfish (by US military), the detonated nuclear bomb above 250 miles from the earth surface over the Pacific Ocean has discharged a electromagnetic radiation which effected Hawaii which is located 1445 km away. This explains the effect of the EMP on the power grid and all electrical and electronic appliances. The latter was nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP). But at present each capable country has begun to include non-NEMP devices into its weapon arsenal. After the US operation star-fish , Russia has also detonated a nuclear bomb over Kazakhstan which completely disrupted the power grid of the

Countries with nuclear arsenal

Countries with nuclear arsenal  These can be classified into five types: Countries which have entered into NPT Countries which haven't entered into the NPT Countries which are believed to have nuclear war-heads NATO (war-head sharing countries) states formerly possessing nuclear war-heads Countries which have entered into NPT: Under "non-proliferation treaty" five countries are considered to be "nuclear weapon states". They are  1. USA (7315) 2. Russia (8000) 3. France (300) 4. United kingdom (225) 5. China (250) USA has build nearly 70,000 nuclear war heads during 1949 cold war, and Russia has build nearly 55,000. These weapons are said to be decommissioned or partially stored, but are "not destroyed"  Countries which haven't entered into the NPT: Since the NPT entered into force in 1970, three states that were not parties to the Treaty have conducted  nuclear tests , namely  India ,  Pakistan , and  Nort


Field Howitzer Howitzer is an artillery weapon with relatively small barrel and used to throw projectiles at high trajectories.  At first these howitzers are fixed type and were not portable. They used to guard the fort walls and important building of a kingdom. The above picture shows a howitzer battery ( pre WW1, Denmark). Howitzers, like other artillery pieces, are usually organized in groups called batteries. Now talking about the field howitzers, they are portable in the war fields and usually accompanied by foot soldiers who assist fire to the howitzer. Early field howitzers used in 19th century - The howitzers used in the world war 1 are shown below:                                        BL- 15 inch howitzer   United kingdom 1914-1918                                                                                           Big bertha - German empire- 1914-1918 Range calculation: H= V^2 sin(a)/g V= velocity a= angle of el

Rank Comparision

Comparison of the INDIAN armed forces ranks (Army, Navy, Air force) Army Navy Air force Field Marshal Fleet Admiral Marshal of Air force General Admiral Air Chief Marshal Lt. General Vice Admiral Air Marshal Major General Rear Admiral Vice Air Marshal Brigadier Commodore Air commodore Colonel Captain Group Captain Lt.colonel Commander Wing Commander Major Lt.Commander Squadron leader Captain Lieutenant Filght Lieutenant Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant Flying officer Sub- Lieutenent Midshipman Pilot officer Junior Commissioned Officers Junior Commissioned Officers Junior Commissioned Officers Subedar major Master Chief Petty Officer 1st class Master Warrant Officer Subed

NSC India

National security council: The National Security Council (NSC) of India is the apex agency looking into the country's political, economic, energy and strategic security concerns. It was established by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government on 19 November 1998, with Brajesh Mishra as the first National Security Adviser . Prior to the formation of the NSC, these activities were overseen by the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister.  Dark green are is claimed and controlled by INDIA, Light green area is claimed but not controlled by INDIA. It is rather controlled by its arch rival PAKISTAN The main members of this council are: National security advisor (NSA) Defense minister Finance minister Foreign minister Minister of home affairs It has a three tired structure: Strategy policy group Joint intelligence committee National security advisory board The nuclear warheads button is in the hands of CCS, which is "cabinet committee on security"

bullpup rilfiles

Bullpup: "Bullpup" describes a modern firearm configuration in which the action and magazine are located behind the trigger group and alongside the shooter's face, so there is no wasted space for the buttstock as in conventional designs. This permits a shorter firearm length for the same barrel length for improved maneuverability, and reduces weight. These were first designed in Britain , but failed to make an impact.  Working: In this design , the actual mechanism and the magazine are placed behind the trigger making the whole design compact. --------------------- Early bull-pup rifles are not suited for left hand users as the shell ejection system is placed on the right as almost 80% of the world population are dextrous.So when a shell is ejected it directly hits the face of the user as the ejection ports are close to face.

MGI Hydra

 MIG HYDRA: MIG hydra , a similar weapon to the MCIWS with interchangeable barrels which helps to shoot the target with different ranges. The AR-15 is the most popular firearm design in the United States. The reason behind that fact is the gun’s ability to easily and quickly transform to meet the end user’s requirements. Everything from heavy-barreled long range precision to tiny stubby 9″ lightweight designs are possible, and swapping from one to the next can be accomplished using everyday tools and a little elbow grease. MGI recognized this fact and decided to take it one step further — why need tools at all? Then came the Hydra... here user can change barrels, calibers and even magazines easily. The barrel can be removed by unlocking the barrel lock which is provided just below the front hold of the rifile. With the Hydra, the barrel nut has been replaced by two lever-operated bars. Turn the levers outward and the bars rotate, revealing a cut that

semi automatic guns

Semi-automatic guns: Semi automatic guns are the firearms which are automatically loaded after the first round is fired. These type of guns have a special mechanism which operates on the energy released from the first shot. A semi-automatic pistol harnesses the energy of one shot to reload the chamber for the next, typically via recoil operation, blowback, or gas operation. After a round is fired, the spent casing is ejected and a new round from the magazine is loaded into the chamber, allowing another shot to be fired as soon as the trigger is again pulled. Normally this semi-automatic pistols have synonyms like self-loading auto pistol, automatic pistol, auto-loading pistol, self acting pistol. Evolution of semi-automatic pistols After Hiram Maxim introduced his recoil-powered machine gun in 1883, several gunsmiths set out to apply the same principles to handguns, including Maxim. Maxim's designs for smaller firearms using his recoil-powered ideas ne


Multi-Caliber Individual weapon system (MCIWS) MCIWS is a modular weapon system developed to meet future soldier requirements. The multi caliber concept allows user to choose the weapon as per the specific needs. Now this weapon system has not yet ben introduced, but this is a part of Future soldier development in INDIA. This rifle allows soldier to launch grenades. What is new? 1. Capable of firing different calibre ammunation by changing barrel group, breech block and magazine. 2. Provision for mounting Under Barrel Granade Launcher 3. Multiple Picatinny rails for sighting system and fore-grip. 4. Light weight and modular design 4. Fully supported engineering plastic magazine with metallic inserts 5. Push type magazine release mechanism 6. ONe time cocking 7. Adjustable butt 8. Ambidextrous   9. Advanced day/night sighting systems 10. Automatic electronic graticule set for selected caliber Air burst grenade firing capability. Tech specs: Cali


CZ 805 BREN Caliber : 5.56x45 mm NATO, 7.62x39 M43 interchangeable; also 6.8x43 Rem SPC proposed in near future Action: Gas operated, rotating bolt Overall length : 910 mm (butt extended) Barrel length : 360 mm standard, other lengths available Weight : 3.6 kg less magazine and accessories Rate of fire : ~ 700 rounds per minute Magazine capacity : 20, 30 or 100 rounds The CZ 805 assault rifle was first introduced to the public in 2009, as a possible future replacement for aged Sa. Vz. 58 assault rifles still in use by Czech armed forces. According to the recent news, early in 2010 the CZ 805 was selected as a next standard military rifle for Czech armed forces, with production contract issued to the famous Czech arms factory CZ-UB in the city of Uhersky Brod. It is quite possible that CZ 805 rifles also will be offered for export, either in military (select-fire) or in civilian (semi-automatic only) versions.  Fire control unit includes ambidextrous safety / fire

Know about relativity

Firing gun scene-1 What would happen if you fire a gun on a train moving as fast as a bullet?  now try to answer this question---- you will be surprised to know that the answer is completely in the reverse sense of your thought. From the newtons 1st law we can understand that- a body in motion stay in motion and a body in rest stays in rest unless acted upon by an external force. Imagine you are on a perfectly smooth speeding train, moving at a uniform speed , in a car/coach with no windows. You would have no way of knowing how fast you are going (or if you were moving at all). If you throw a ball straight up in the air, it will come straight back down whether the train is sitting still or going 1,000 mph. Since you and the ball are already moving at the same speed as the train, the only forces acting on the ball are your hand and gravity. So the ball behaves exactly as it would if you were standing on the ground and not moving. So what does this mean for our gun? If


  I love this gun (personal opinion).  I haven't used it but , according to what i have read and the videos i have seen ..... its really awesome. If some one wants to buy a gun, their first gun by just seeing their specifications and working online, then i would say that they would be attracted towards this light weight gun. But one shouldn't buy a gun by just seeing its specifications. Every gun is efficient, it completely depends on the shooter. Shooter must select a gun so hat it correctly fits in his hands. Buts lets see the glock..... 34 parts of Glock 17 9mm pistol ... animated view- Glock interchangeability- dis assembly and reassembly

Snap-lock , Snaphance and flintlock

Snap-lock, Snaphance and Flintlock These three fire arms work under same mechanism. The difference is the protective measures development  in each of the fire arms. The order of the fire arms is snaplock snaphance flintlock percussion cap Mechanism: The operation works on the old concept of fire sparks ( when two rocks are rubbed against each other the friction between them causes a spark and eventually fire when the sparks are in contact with a dry grass or to be more precise, a conductor which ignites under a slight high temperature). The firearm consists of a flint material and a steel plate placed against each other. When the flint is held with a spring, potential energy is stored in the spring. When the trigger is released the potential energy is transferred to the clamped flint and the clamp moves forward and strikes the hardened steel producing sparks. These sparks flash pan travels through the touch hole and ignites the gun powder and boom.  T

Wheel lock

Wheel lock : The next generation of the match guns are the wheel lock guns. May be the concept of the wheel lock is very simple , but the thought that  it would replace the match lock guns is revolutionizing. Working: The working of the wheel lock fire arms can be compared to the butane lighters. In the butane lighters we compress the butane into the liquid form and it is covered by the steel wheel, so that when the wheel rotates against a metal, it ignites a small spark and the butane which can easily evaporate catches fire from the spark. So as long as the butane evaporates, fire goes on....... So similarly wheel lock has a flint placed on the top of the wheel , and when the fire arm is triggered the wheel strikes the flint and produces a spark which ignites the gun powder and blows the projectile. The above picture shows the mechanism of the wheel lock. The mechanism in detail: The wheel energy is stored in a spring which is loade

Match lock

Match lock: Now that we have reduced the cannon balls or projectiles and made them into a compact size, the barrels used for the projectiles are also small. The force that must be applied for the projectile must be enough that it penetrates the enemy. The guns which are used in the early 14th century have used match lock technology. match lock nothing a defined technology. It works on the same concept of the cannons. But he thing is it is lit by a fire using a combustible substance. The gun has a barrel in which the projectile is placed and pushed tightly towards the gun powder. this gun powder is lit by a dry thread/wick which has its extension into the chamber in which the gun powder is filled. As soon as the power is ignited, it creates a blast and throws the projectile toward the target. These match locks were remained in the use until 17th century. These matchlocks had a great disadvantage- They take time to lit the wick and even when the wick is lit it takes

Early fire arms : Cannons

Early fire arms : cannons The starting of the fire arms can be traced back to 8th century where Chinese used the gunpowder technology to fire projectiles at the enemies. Later in the early 12th century the cannons were used in the wars in CHINA. Hand cannons have come into existence in the early 14th century where the big cannons were reduced in the size and the projectiles were kept small. The canon and the projectiles were carried separately the the firing place. Now as the start of the firearms was cannons, lets discuss the basic working of the connons..   Operation: The cannons were were very large and cannot be transported easily from one place to another dynamically. Usually they wee placed on the defense fort walls.  Cannons have a large cylinder structure in which the gunpowder is assimilated at the closed end and projectile is pressed to the gun powder. Usually these projectiles were made of iron and were heavy. When the gun powder is lit by a fire the compress