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Showing posts from March, 2015

Nuclear arsenal

Nuclear arsenal - INDIA [] Indian nuclear forces: Mirage 200H/ jaguar IS/IB :    Each has a range about 1800 km and payload capacity of 6300 Squadron 1 and 7 of gwalior air force station have been assigned nuclear secondary attack missions. Prithivi 1 : range is about 150 km and payload capacity is about 1000 kg, surface to surface missile. Agni 1: range is about 750 km and payload capacity is 1000 kg remaining land based nuclear weapons are currently not deployed. Agni II has failed 8 times and after 8 unsuccessful tests , it has passed 2 tests. Agni II: Dhanush: Range is about 350 km, payload capacity is about 500 kg. Sagarika: Range is about 300-700 km and payload capacity - 300-700 kg  [Indian nuclear forces, 2012 Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris] Recently in 2012 Agni V has been successfully tested. Its range is more than 5000 miles and can carry upto 1500 kg of

Indian Army weapons

Indian Army weapons: Small arms: Pistols: 9mm auto pistol - manufactured by ordinance factory India (MoD) Glock 17 - Austria Machine guns: SAF Carbines Micro uzi - israel Rifiles:  AK 47 - soviet made AK 103 - soviet made INSAS - Indian origin (Indian small arms systems) Bull pup rifiles - france origin T91 - PRC Snipers: 1M1 galil Mauser Ati material rifile: Denel NTW-20 - caliber of this rifle can be changed without disassembling the gun. Range: 1500m- 2300 m Now the above rifile is replaced by vidhwanshak  MCIWS: Multi caliber individual weapon system currently undergoing trials Ballistic and cruise missiles: Ballistic missile: Ballistic missile trajectory consists of three parts: 1. Powered flight portion 2. Free flight 3. Re- entry phase These may contain multiple rocket stages, and also contain decoys to avoid detonation by enemy missiles (counter missiles). Cruise missiles: cruise missile is a guided missile, the