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Showing posts from September, 2014


Field Howitzer Howitzer is an artillery weapon with relatively small barrel and used to throw projectiles at high trajectories.  At first these howitzers are fixed type and were not portable. They used to guard the fort walls and important building of a kingdom. The above picture shows a howitzer battery ( pre WW1, Denmark). Howitzers, like other artillery pieces, are usually organized in groups called batteries. Now talking about the field howitzers, they are portable in the war fields and usually accompanied by foot soldiers who assist fire to the howitzer. Early field howitzers used in 19th century - The howitzers used in the world war 1 are shown below:                                        BL- 15 inch howitzer   United kingdom 1914-1918                                                                                           Big bertha - German empire- 1914-1918 Range calculation: H= V^2 sin(a)/g V= velocity a= angle of el

Rank Comparision

Comparison of the INDIAN armed forces ranks (Army, Navy, Air force) Army Navy Air force Field Marshal Fleet Admiral Marshal of Air force General Admiral Air Chief Marshal Lt. General Vice Admiral Air Marshal Major General Rear Admiral Vice Air Marshal Brigadier Commodore Air commodore Colonel Captain Group Captain Lt.colonel Commander Wing Commander Major Lt.Commander Squadron leader Captain Lieutenant Filght Lieutenant Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant Flying officer Sub- Lieutenent Midshipman Pilot officer Junior Commissioned Officers Junior Commissioned Officers Junior Commissioned Officers Subedar major Master Chief Petty Officer 1st class Master Warrant Officer Subed

NSC India

National security council: The National Security Council (NSC) of India is the apex agency looking into the country's political, economic, energy and strategic security concerns. It was established by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government on 19 November 1998, with Brajesh Mishra as the first National Security Adviser . Prior to the formation of the NSC, these activities were overseen by the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister.  Dark green are is claimed and controlled by INDIA, Light green area is claimed but not controlled by INDIA. It is rather controlled by its arch rival PAKISTAN The main members of this council are: National security advisor (NSA) Defense minister Finance minister Foreign minister Minister of home affairs It has a three tired structure: Strategy policy group Joint intelligence committee National security advisory board The nuclear warheads button is in the hands of CCS, which is "cabinet committee on security"

bullpup rilfiles

Bullpup: "Bullpup" describes a modern firearm configuration in which the action and magazine are located behind the trigger group and alongside the shooter's face, so there is no wasted space for the buttstock as in conventional designs. This permits a shorter firearm length for the same barrel length for improved maneuverability, and reduces weight. These were first designed in Britain , but failed to make an impact.  Working: In this design , the actual mechanism and the magazine are placed behind the trigger making the whole design compact. --------------------- Early bull-pup rifles are not suited for left hand users as the shell ejection system is placed on the right as almost 80% of the world population are dextrous.So when a shell is ejected it directly hits the face of the user as the ejection ports are close to face.